1. The Pillars of Creation
기둥모양의 창조물, 독수리성운의 엑스선 사진
he pillars are columns of cool interstellar hydrogen gas and dust that double as incubators for new stars. The pillars have been carved out and are illuminated by ultraviolet light coming from hot, massive newborn stars that are unseen, above the top of the photo.
2. Mercury in Transit
수성 [Mercury] 의 천문】 경과, 자오선(子午線) 통과 《천체의》;다른 천체면(面) 통과 《작은 천체의》, 망원경 시야(視野) 통과 《천체의》
What better way can we truly appreciate the size of our Sun than to see one of the planets in transit?
3. Supernova
This is a photograph taken by the Hubble Telescope.
4. The Eskimo Nebula
A wonderful explosion of colour (in Gemini) as an old star dies leaving a central tiny, hot,
White Dwarf and several layers of exploding gas (NASA, Hubble)
5. The Catseye Nebula
고양이눈,【광물】 묘안석(猫眼石);금록석(金綠石) 성운
A nebula (from Latin: “mist”; pl. nebulae or nebulæ, with ligature) is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen gas and plasma. It is the first stage of a star’s cycle.
6. A collection of galaxies
7. Exploding Star
폭발하는(파열하는) 별
Amazing photo of a string of pearls surrounding an exploding star
8. Detail of Saturn’s Rings and Shadow
토성의 세부적인 고리들 그리고 그림자
rings of Saturn are a series of planetary rings that orbit the planet Saturn. They consist largely of ice and dust particles.
9. Interacting Spiral Galaxies NGC 2207 and IC 2163
서로 영향을 끼치는 나선형의 퇴적더미 NGC
【천문】 New General Catalogue (성단·성운·은하의 카탈로그) 2207 그리고 IC 2163
Spiral galaxies are named after the arms that extend—roughly logarithmically—from the bulge.
10. Iridescent Glory of Nearby Helix Nebula(헬릭스 성운)
무지개빛깔의 눈부시게 아름다운 가까이에 있는 나선형의 성운
The Helix Nebula (also known as NGC 7293) is a planetary nebula (PN) about 650 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius. It is one of the closest planetary nebulae to Earth
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