

  • 이치(理)를 거스름은 곧 스스로 마음속 하늘을 속이는 것이니 이는 하늘에 있는 하늘을 속이는 것이니라.화(禍)는 밖에서 오는 것이 아니요 죄가 제 몸에 미친 것이니라.
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지금 어느 때인가

2020 4 05

트럼프 "참혹한 시기, 많은 사망 생길 것"..1,2차 세계대전 견줘


코로나19 환자 급증 '암울한 전망' "가장 힘든 주 될 것, 치명적"

"전쟁 끝내고 나라 다시 열어야.. 어느 시점에선 큰 결정 필요"



2020 4 05


日정부, "2차대전 이후 최대 경제위기"..아비간 200만명분 비축 추진


7일 긴급경제대책 발표 예정


[도쿄=AP/뉴시스]아베 신조 일본 총리가 지난 1일 마스크를 쓴 채 참의원 결산위원회에 참석했다. 2020.04.02. 



2020 4 05


미국 코로나 환자 30만명 넘어..사흘 만에 10만명 급증


사망자도 8천명 넘겨..전 세계 환자의 4분의1이 미국인

 전 세계 코로나 바이러스 확산에 대한 최신 정보

(로이터 통신)-새로운 코로나 바이러스의 전 세계 사례는 1 백만 건을 넘어서고           
64,000 명 이상이 사망했으며, 
로이터 통신은 일요일에 세계 경제를 망치는 전염병으로 집계되었습니다.

Factbox: Latest on the spread of the coronavirus around the world



alm Sunday during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Catania

(Reuters) - Global cases of the new coronavirus have passed 1 million and more than 64,000 people have died, a Reuters tally showed on Sunday, in a pandemic that has hammered the world economy.



* Reuters tally of reported cases and deaths.

* For an interactive graphic tracking the global spread, open in an external browser.

* U.S.-focused tracker with state-by-state and county map, open in an external browser.



* Mainland China reported 30 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, up from 19 a day earlier as the number of cases involving travelers from abroad as well as local transmissions increased, highlighting the difficulty in stamping out the outbreak.

* India is restricting the export of most diagnostic testing kits, as coronavirus cases topped 3,350 on Sunday. The country has imposed a three-week nationwide lockdown to slow the spread of the disease.

* Australian health officials said they were cautiously optimistic about the slowing spread of the coronavirus but warned social distancing restrictions are to stay in place for months.



* The total number of deaths from the coronavirus in France reached a new high - 7,560 - on Saturday as the government included more previously unreported deaths in nursing homes.

* Queen Elizabeth will call on Britons to take on the challenge and disruption caused by the outbreak with good-humored resolve when she makes an extremely rare address to rally the nation on Sunday.

* Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Saturday he would ask parliament to extend lockdown measures by 15 days until April 26, as the rate of new coronavirus infections and deaths slowed again in one of the world's worst-hit countries.



* President Donald Trump told Americans to brace for a big spike in coronavirus fatalities in the coming days, as the country faces what he called the toughest two weeks of the pandemic.

* More than 306,000 people have tested positive in the United States and over 8,300 have died, according to a Reuters tally.


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